
You Can Understand the Bible: A Practical Guide to Each Book in the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

Many people are often understandably intimidated or overwhelmed by the sheer size and complexity of the Bible. But now popular author and Boston University professor Peter Kreeft has written a clear road map of the Bible, focusing his keen insight and engaging wit on the core message of each book. It won’t take long for you to understand why his guide to Scripture has become a best-seller....

Jewish civil and ceremonial laws, such as kosher foods and tithing, the commandments are for all people, all societies, and all times. Thus, though Christians are in no way bound by the Jewish ceremonial or civil laws (because they were all in some way preparatory for Christ), we are still under the Ten Commandments in one way, though not in two other ways. We are under them in that they express God’s changeless demands for all of us, God’s blueprint, God’s idea for human living. But we are freed
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